Sunday, December 27, 2015

Seattle, we missed a bullet with Broad Superintendent Goodloe-Johnson | Seattle Education

Seattle, we missed a bullet with Broad Superintendent Goodloe-Johnson | Seattle Education:

Seattle, we missed a bullet with Broad Superintendent Goodloe-Johnson

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Eli Broad at Broad’s 2009 Inaugural Party for President Obama.
Yes, Eli Broad via Don Nielson and Goodloe-Johnson brought us Brad Bernatek, Michael Tolley (more on him later),  Teach for America, Inc. (TFA, Inc.) (briefly) via ex-interim superintendent Susan Enfield (another bullet missed)  and initially under the guidance of Goodloe-Johnson, and of course, lest we forget, the MAP test. And yes, she closed schools which cost us more money than we saved dislocating students from their community schools and beloved teachers and then having to open more schools  than had been closed but we missed a bullet, or maybe even a nuclear explosion, thanks to her being fired by the Seattle School Board.
One thing about business is that it grows as large as it can, gobbling up everything in its path as seen with our privatized prison systems and the war machine. This is also true with charter schools.
Case in point, Chicago, Philadelphia and New Orleans where there are few public schools left standing. Now Eli Broad decided it would be a great idea to have at least 50% of the public schools in the Los Angeles school district be converted into charter schools.
From a fellow Progressive writer Cynthia Liu, originally posted on December 7, 2015:
Shock doctrine tactics applied to Los Angeles Unified come to a head this December, as the district reels in the face of billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad’s plan to force 50% of public schools into private management. Mind you, the wealthy education dilettante’s