Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Save Our Schools March – It’s Time to March Again ~ Summer 2016

Save Our Schools March – It’s Time to March Again ~ Summer 2016:


2016 Summer March & Rally
Solidarity, Resilience, and Resistance

Many thousands of us gathered on July of 2011 for the Save Our Schools March and Call to Action. We assembled to state our grievances about the state of public education and to share our visions for the future. In that moment, we were the canaries in the coalmine – sickened by an unresponsive political process and its dehumanizing policies. We became the impetus for change, and we took to the streets in solidarity to make it clear:
We who believe in freedom cannot rest,
We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.
 ~ Ella Baker
In 2011 we nurtured, supported, and committed to each other and to our children. We have not rested since. We have organized demonstrations, sit-ins, and strikes. We have resisted, written, called, tweeted, blogged, posted and re-posted, sang, spoken, and opted out of high-stakes testing all in our collective struggle for humane public schools and policies.
Coalitions are building and the movement is growing. We are parents and teachers, students and seniors, scholars and community organizers, urban and rural, immigrants and native-born, gay and straight, black, brown, and white realizing that more than ever, we have a common narrative based on democracy, the human right to education and economic and social justice that goes beyond our organizational silos, as important as those silos may be…
It is time to celebrate five years of common struggle and the growth that we have wrought. It is time to march again!!!
Save Our Schools is working with numerous organizations to build a broad coalition of like-minded people – from all walks of life and with diverse causes – to speak and march in solidarity this July in Washington D.C. (date to be determined). We envision actions and festivities for children and adults, which foster awareness and to celebrate democracy by living it. It is an election year, and there can be no better time to show our government and our fellow citizens, “This is what democracy looks like!”
Details are developing each day on this massive event, so join ussupport us, and sign up for email updates!
In solidarity,
The Save Our Schools 2016 Summer Coalition
Save Our Schools March – It’s Time to March Again ~ Summer 2016: