Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?:

Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?

“No citizen is a second-class citizen in the city of Chicago. If my children are treated one way, every child is treated the same way. There is one standard for our young men.” 
 "These facts defy credibility." -- Rahm Emanuel prepared remarks
Aside from a handful of Rahm's puppy-dog aldermen, I'm not sure who's buying his sorry-for-whatever speech.

One standard for Rahm's children and every child? Really? Tell that to the kids whose schools have been closed across the south and west sides, while Rahm's kids attend the chi-chi, progressive Lab School, free from dad's test-and-punish school reform.

Yesterday protest.  -- Fred Klonsky pic
The mostly young protesters in the streets yesterday, certainly weren't buying it. And for good reason. Rahm's not expressing sorrow for anything he's done. He's "sorry" -- no, outraged -- at the sins of others. After all, said the mayor, I was just "following a time-honored practice" which in this case, "you could clearly say we were adding to the suspicion and distrust.”

Time-honored practice, indeed.

According to S-T's Fran Spielman:

The cathartic speech before aldermen, who offered their own apology, Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Anyone buying Rahm's 'I'm sorry' (for whatever) speech?: