Friday, December 11, 2015

CURMUDGUCATION: NY: Cuomo's Nothing Sundae

CURMUDGUCATION: NY: Cuomo's Nothing Sundae:

NY: Cuomo's Nothing Sundae

They said it couldn't be done, but today NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's Common Core Task Forcedelivered a big old report in less time than it takes my students to complete their major research project. And it's a big ole Nothing Sundae with a few scoops of Fluff on the side, with a cherry on top.

The announcement came with the same stock photo student we've seen before, and I want with all my heart to believe that his expression of, "Heh. Yeah, this is some ridiculous baloney" is the blow struck by whatever intern had to cobble this together. But the nothing in this announcement announces its nothingness right off the bat. Here's the head of the Task Force, Richard Parsons, Senior Advisor, Providence Equity Partners, LLC and former Chairman of Citigroup (because when you want to look at education policy, you call a banker):

While adoption of the Common Core was extremely well intentioned, its implementation has caused confusion and upheaval in classrooms across New York State. We believe that these recommendations, once acted on, provide a means to put things back on the right track and ensure high quality standards that meet the needs of New York’s kids. The recommendations will provide the foundation to restore public trust in the education system in New York and build on the long history of excellence that preceded this period. 

So there you have it-- the purpose of the report is "to restore public trust." Which is a little different 
CURMUDGUCATION: NY: Cuomo's Nothing Sundae: