Sunday, December 13, 2015

Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part IV | deutsch29

Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part IV | deutsch29:

Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part IV

Ann Marie headshot
Ann Marie Corgill
On November 20, 2015, I drove from southern Louisiana to central Alabama in order to interview 2014-15 Alabama Teacher of the Year, Ann Marie Corgill, whose resignation three weeks prior, on October 30, 2015, made national news.

I had the privilege of interviewing Corgill for several hours. She detailed an intriguing story regarding her 21 years in the classroom, a story to which I could not possibly do justice in a single post. Therefore, I decided to write a series of posts about Corgill.
This is number four in that series.
The first post concerns how Corgill’s resignation became public. The second details the exasperating events that led to her deciding to resign. And the third post follows Corgill on the path to becoming Alabama Teacher of the Year for 2014-15 and a top-four finalist for 2015 National Teacher of the Year.
In this fourth post, I offer the section of our interview in which Corgill discusses her years as a public school teacher in New York City– both what enticed her to go to The Big Apple and what prompted her to return to Alabama.
Our discussion of Corgill’s travels to New York transpired near the outset of our four-hour interview. Therefore, in this post I begin at the beginning of our talk, which leads Alabama Teacher of the Year Resigns– The Backstory, Part IV | deutsch29: