Saturday, November 21, 2015

What You Need to Know About Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

What You Need to Know About Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association:

What You Need to Know About Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

We've shared a lot this week about the upcoming Supreme Court case Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a case of major importance for working people. Here is a roundup of our recent stories about the case so you have the facts you need:
9/11 First Responder: Unions Work for All of Us: "Too often, though, these same public service workers become the targets of radical politicians, corporate CEOs and wealthy special interests, who want to make it even harder for working people to earn a living wage and support their families. Their latest attack is coming as they attempt to hijack our nation’s highest court for their dishonest purposes. A new case, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, seeks to undermine the effectiveness of unions by allowing some people to avoid paying their fair share."
As Supreme Court Prepares for Friedrichs v. CTA, Public-Sector Workers Advance the Common Good: "America’s working families are under attack from big corporate CEOs and wealthy special interests. These anti-worker attacks are designed to protect those at the very top who yield greater influence and profit, while hardworking families scrape by. One such attack is being led by corporate-funded groups at the U.S. Supreme Court. These groups want to take away workers’ ability to speak up together."


Working Families Speak Out on Friedrichs Case: "AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka joins a growing chorus of working family representatives who have spoken out about the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which will go before the Supreme Court in January. Greedy CEOs and wealthy special interests want to manipulate the rules in their favor and make it harder for teachers, firefighters, nurses and other public servants to join together and fight for working families. A bad decision from the court could limit working people's ability to negotiate better wages, benefits and working conditions."
What's This Friedrichs Case Really About?: "Confused about Friedrichs? It's pretty simple. See more after the jump."
Friedrichs Is Missing Its Warning Label: "My name is Tina Adams, and I am a school lunch lady in Mansfield, Ohio. Every school day for the past 30 years, I have cooked healthy meals and nutritious treats to feed hundreds of hungry kids. For many of my students, my food is the only food they eat all day. I keep my students’ bellies full so teachers can feed their minds."What You Need to Know About Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association: