Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Big Sleazy: All-Charter “Achievement Districts”

Charter Chains: Eager to Turn SC Kids into Cash Cows.  :

The Big Sleazy:
All-Charter “Achievement Districts”

After battling shamelessly for 20 years, SC policymakers are under court-order to do“something” for our poorest students.

Momentum is building to turn SC kids over to parasitic charter chains as part of a statewide “ACHIEVEMENT DISTRICT”, like the one in New Orleans.

Once you:

  • CLOSE neighborhood schools
  • FIRE thousands of career teachers & replace them with untrained temps
  •  FORCE kids into charter school chains

Closing the ACHIEVEMENT GAP is actually CHEAP & EASY!!!

Let free-markets do the work!

Many of these charter chains are overtly for-profit, while others pay exorbitant rentsand fees to partner” corporations.


Now, who would fall for such horse puckey?

Anybody desperate for a cheap, easy fix.

Egged on by corporate-funded Astroturf groups like Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst, some have grown sweet on the idea of an all-charter system built on temp labor that replaces democratically-controlled public schools.

Tell policymakers to reject this gift to privatized McSchools:

COPY & PASTE to EMAIL: SCSuptEd@edu.sc.gov, ritaallison@schouse.gov, kennybingham@schouse.gov, billcyburn@schouse.gov, joedaning@schouse.gov, jerrygovan@schouse.gov, jackiehayes@schouse.gov, dwightloftis@schouse.gov, dlongshorejr@gmail.com, roberthayes@scsenate.gov, harveypeeler@scsenate.gov, johncourson@scsenate.gov, vincentsheheen@scsenate.gov, nikkisetzler@scsenate.gov, bradhutto@scsenate.gov, johnmatthews@scsenate.gov, geraldmalloy@scsenate.gov, clementapinckney@scsenate.gov

MUCH More Below...Charter Chains: Eager to Turn SC Kids into Cash Cows.  :