Friday, November 13, 2015

Shake Off Those Charter Chains! | The Progressive

Shake Off Those Charter Chains! | The Progressive:

Shake Off Those Charter Chains!

Ever wondered about the magic bullet of charter schools?  Turns out they may not be the promised educational salvation so many claim.  Sure, there are good, community-based charter schools that are built from the ground up, but the rise of huge “Charter Chains” dwarfs them by comparison.
I did this cartoon in collaboration with the good people at The Progressive.  This video is a good starting point for learning about a very real threat to public education in the United States.  The more you dig into some of these Charter Chains, the more awful they become.
And the hits keep coming.  Success Academy charter schools in New York kept a “got to go” list to kick out kids who might drag down its scores. Hillary Clinton weighed in, making news by saying that most charter schools don’t take the hardest-to-teach kids, and if they do, they don’t keep them. As Progressive Education Fellow Peter Greene points out, charter schools drain resources from already-strapped public schools.
Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to dive into some of the accompanying links!
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