Monday, November 30, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Revised ESEA - Please Let Our Congressional Reps Know Your Concerns

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Revised ESEA - Please Let Our Congressional Reps Know Your Concerns:

Revised ESEA - Please Let Our Congressional Reps Know Your Concerns

The vote on the next version of No Child Left Behind is coming up for a vote this week, first in the Senate and then, next week, in the House.  

There are several issues that have come to my attention via Diane Ravitch and the Network of Public Education.

Here's a link to all the Washington State representatives and senators.  E-mail is great but there is also great value in calling their offices and registering your vote.  (I interned for an Arizona senator once and my job was taking phone calls from constituents on issues of the day.  They registered every single call.)

However you do it, PLEASE contact our congressional reps on this vote.  When you do, please note to them that this is a much better bill than the original.
First, there is an issue for Special Education

Special education advocate Bev Johns has written here warning about the impact of Social Impact Bonds on special education services.

What are Social Impact Bonds (SIBs)?

Also known as Pay for Success programs in which Wall Street investors, often using funding from private philanthropies, invest in social programs which once were funded directly by the 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Revised ESEA - Please Let Our Congressional Reps Know Your Concerns: