Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage):

The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage)

Over at Representative Chad Magendanz' Facebook page, there's quite the discussion over fulfilling McCleary and also what to do about charter schools.  He has much to say on both topics. 

He starts with this:

Our bipartisan group working on the charter fix remains firmly committed to addressing the issues identified in the Supreme Court’s ruling and keeping our charter school doors open. The Senate committee testimony Thursday really highlighted the need for these innovative schools that serve our most impoverished areas, and the timing of the Court’s press release was particularly cruel to the students who travelled down to Olympia to show their support.

Again, as if the Court has time to tell their staff to keep them updated on what groups come to Olympia to speak to legislators.  That's just not plausible.   Also, that "bipartisan group" - I think their one Dem might be Seattle's Rep. Eric Pettigrew who seems to make it his life's work to just sign up for these groups.

So I asked, based on what Magendanz had written at the GOP Washington legislative page about McCleary and the state budget:

So Rep, you laid out a timeline that stretches out for years and you said you and the other legislators, who work dutifully, session after session on budget issues but you don't know "the scope of our spending?"

Because, honestly, who in the legislature doesn't know the scope of the spending in Washington state?  They all work and/or review the budget.   

He said:

We know what districts pay for compensation, but we don't know what 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage):