Thursday, November 12, 2015

Politico NY Sells Ads to Pro-Charter Advocacy Group but Fails to Label Them As Paid Ads | janresseger

Politico NY Sells Ads to Pro-Charter Advocacy Group but Fails to Label Them As Paid Ads | janresseger:

Politico NY Sells Ads to Pro-Charter Advocacy Group but Fails to Label Them As Paid Ads

Even though I live in Ohio, every morning in my e-mail in-box, I receive and scan an update on news about education from Politico New York. I read it as a summary of public education issues surfacing in the state of New York and because its authors—Eliza Shapiro, Keshia Clukey and Conor Skelding—select and recommend a list of national stories about education.  As a blogger, I use a lot of tools to find current news.
Imagine my surprise when in yesterday’s morning e-mail newsletter from Politico NY, I found the following in a section called “TRACKING EDUCATION” as the second of several blurbs :
** A message from Families for Excellent Schools: New York City’s schools are divided into two separate and unequal systems – one for white, affluent children, and another for low-income children of color. But we can change that. Visit today to take a stand for school equality. **
Then at the end of the newsletter, I discovered a similar message:
** A message from Families for Excellent Schools: 478,000 New York City children — almost all black and Hispanic — are stuck in a network of failing public schools. That’s more children than the entire Chicago Public Schools, and they’re trapped in a separate and unequal education system. Our leaders must do better – especially Mayor de Blasio. It’s time for bold action, not more of the same.
That’s why New Yorkers from every borough are coming together to take a stand for school equality. If you believe EVERY child in New York City deserves a quality education, join Team Possible today: Join us at **
Both of these pieces are highly political.  Both condemn the New York City public schools and Politico NY Sells Ads to Pro-Charter Advocacy Group but Fails to Label Them As Paid Ads | janresseger: