Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Missouri student protests shine a light on campus institutional racism

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Missouri student protests shine a light on campus institutional racism:

Missouri student protests shine a light on campus institutional racism

One positive outcome from the Univ. of Missouri student protests is finally more media focus and light shined on the racist culture often embedded in post-secondary campus life.

John Eligon, who has been covering the protests since Ferguson, does a fair job of getting at it in his yesterday's NYT piece, "At University of Missouri, Black Students See a Campus Riven by Race."

But even from the headline you can see that his focus is more on black students' "perception" rather than the reality of campus institutional racism. It's more about "racial tension" than racism. But why shouldn't there be "racial tension" on a campus with a long history of systemic racism that's become a part of the fabric of university life and where black students, many away from home and from their own communities for the first time, have to shoulder the burden of change, often in isolation. All this, not to mention the ongoing physical threats to their safety.

Eligon begins to make the case here [My comments in brackets]:

Missouri, where the state university began accepting black students in 1950 and hired its first black faculty member in 1969, has faced distinct challenges in overcoming racial divisions. [Eligon assumes that's what the administration is trying to do. We still have to consider the possible purpose of the institution being social reproduction. - M.K.].
With Kansas City to the west and St. Louis to the east, the state has Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Missouri student protests shine a light on campus institutional racism: