Friday, November 6, 2015

Malloy Administration ushering in a “Wisconsin Moment” at UConn and CSU - Wait What?

Malloy Administration ushering in a “Wisconsin Moment” at UConn and CSU - Wait What?:

Malloy Administration ushering in a “Wisconsin Moment” at UConn and CSU

During last year’s gubernatorial campaign, Connecticut’s state employee unions mobilized their members with the powerful message that a vote for Democrat Dannel Malloy was the only way to prevent Connecticut from having a “Wisconsin Moment,” a reference to Republican Tom Foley’s comments in support of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s unprecedented attack on public employees and their rights.
As the state employee unions wrote in a commentary piece that appeared in a summer 2014 on CT Newsjunkie entitled Union Members Not Interested in ‘Wisconsin Moment’
The last thing we need is a Koch Brothers-funded campaign to transform Connecticut into Walker’s Wisconsin.
AFSCME’s newsletter further explained,
“Preventing a “Wisconsin moment” from taking place in Connecticut was the prevailing theme of the Connecticut AFL-CIO’s 10th biennial political convention that took place June 16-17 in New Haven.
AFSCME President Lee Saunders electrified the more than 300 union delegates to the convention with his keynote address on June 16. “We can’t afford Connecticut to become another Wisconsin.”
Hours after Saunders’ speech, Gov. Malloy declared “We’re going to have a 
Malloy Administration ushering in a “Wisconsin Moment” at UConn and CSU - Wait What?:

 State Treasurer Denise Nappier’s powerful statement about Malloy’s State Employee Pension Proposal
Connecticut’s State Treasurer Denise Nappier deserves significant praise for stepping forward and having the courage and conviction to speak the truth about the legitimate concerns surrounding Governor Dannel Malloy’s proposal to fundamentally change the way Connecticut funds is massively underfunded State’s Employee Pension Fund.
Just three years ago, Malloy called on Connecticut to aggressively resolve the state’s historic unwillingness to properly fund its State Employee Pension Fund (See January 2012 Wait, What? post  Malloy Takes Bold Step – Proposes Paying for State Pension Fund the Right Way.)
However, Malloy recently reversed his previous position and rather than focusing on making the State Employee Pension Fund more financially sounds, Malloy proposed shifting a significant portion of the shortfall onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.
The voters of Connecticut need to pay special attention to Governor Dannel Malloy’s irresponsible proposal to change the way that Connecticut funds its pension program for state employees.
Governor Malloy’s plan is nothing more than an outrageous maneuver to balance his failed state budgets on the backs of our children and their future.  As the title of yesterday’s Wait, What? blog stated – Connecticut: BEWARE of Governor Malloy’s most fiscally irresponsible budget proposal yet.
The CT Mirror’s Keith Phaneuf provides more information about Malloy’s 
 State Treasurer Denise Nappier’s powerful statement about Malloy’s State Employee Pension Proposal