Thursday, November 12, 2015

Making Sh*t Up – the New Normal in American and Connecticut Politics - Wait What?

Making Sh*t Up – the New Normal in American and Connecticut Politics - Wait What?:

Making Sh*t Up – the New Normal in American and Connecticut Politics

If there is one overarching message coming out of the Republican Presidential Debates it is the realization that candidates for the highest office in the nation have absolutely no problem with simply making sh*t up.
But the buffoons seeking the Republican nomination for President of the United States certainly aren’t alone.
Unfortunately for Americans and American Democracy, making sh*t up has become the new normal across the political spectrum, even (or especially) right here in Connecticut.
Take for instance the case study of Democrat Governor Dannel Malloy and Connecticut’s Fiscal Crisis
As Dannel Malloy is fond of saying, thanks to Republican Governor Jodi Rell and a Democratic General Assembly, he “inherited” a $3 billion budget problem when he took office in January 2011.
In order to put Connecticut’s fiscal house in order Malloy instituted a massive tax increase, significant budget cuts and a large concession package with Connecticut’s State Employees, although he did manage to protect and coddle Connecticut’s wealthiest taxpayers in the process.
Although his comprehensive financial “fix” didn’t actually solve Connecticut’s budget problems, Governor Malloy set that truth aside and spent the entire 2014 gubernatorial campaign claiming that Connecticut’s state budget was balanced, that there was no state budget deficit, and that if re-elected, he would not propose or accept any tax increase in a second term as governor
According to Malloy, the road ahead was filled with the “green lights” of fiscal stability and that upon entering a second term he would steer the ship of state without having to make Making Sh*t Up – the New Normal in American and Connecticut Politics - Wait What?: