Monday, November 2, 2015

From 'Book Strap' To 'Burrito': A History Of The School Backpack : NPR Ed : NPR

From 'Book Strap' To 'Burrito': A History Of The School Backpack : NPR Ed : NPR:

From 'Book Strap' To 'Burrito': A History Of The School Backpack

Book bags timeline

Our Tools of the Trade series is exploring some of the icons of schools and education.
My editor, Steve Drummond, isn't that old of a guy. He's from Michigan — Wayne Memorial High School, class of '79.
But when he starts talking about backpacks, he dips into a "back in my day" tone that makes you think of a creaky rocking chair and suspenders: "You know, Lee, when I was in school, no one had a backpack!
"You just carried your books in your arms." He says it like he's talking about sending a telegram with Morse code. "No one really thought about it, that's just what you did."
And, like all good memories, he tops it off with some commentary about the younger generation.
"Nowadays, backpacks are everywhere. It's almost impossible for younger people to imagine a world without them."
Right about then, I started to tune him out. I think he went off about how our phones are practically glued to our hands or something like that.
But it's true. I'm one of those younger people, and I can't imagine going to school without my backpack.
Since my first day of kindergarten in 1995, my JanSport and I were inseparable. It was a fluorescent green SuperBreak model. My dad wrote my name on the front with a Sharpie (he did his best to match the JanSport font).
Me and millions of other kids. The school backpack is as essential to education these From 'Book Strap' To 'Burrito': A History Of The School Backpack : NPR Ed : NPR: