Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top 10 Education Questions for the 2015 Las Vegas #DemDebate @CNN @DonLemon | Cloaking Inequity

Top 10 Education Questions for the 2015 Las Vegas #DemDebate @CNN @DonLemon | Cloaking Inequity:

Top 10 Education Questions for the 2015 Las Vegas #DemDebate @CNN @DonLemon

CNN has invited questions for today’s #DemDebate in Las Vegas. They write,
What would you want to ask the candidates? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook using #DemDebate. Watch the debate on CNN at 8:30 p.m. EST.
Here are my Top 10 education questions for the 2015 Las Vegas #DemDebate in Las Vegas.
Don’t forget to submit your education questions!
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