Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Alliance Doubles Down

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Alliance Doubles Down:

The Alliance Doubles Down

Unbelievable but true.  Not only does the Alliance say - via a Times op-ed by CEO Sara Morris and Jon Bridge -  that the district is making a mistake in ending the relationship, they don't even admit they did a thing wrong. 

Kind of amazing considering that the district has been trying, for literally years and years, to steady and make better the relationship with the Alliance.  The district wrote quite a detailed accounting of the issues, which the Alliance answered with their letter including a refutation chart, and now, an op-ed saying how much this partnership means ...to the district. 

There was no partnership left.  Here's what I said in my comments at the Times:

This is a sad, bittersweet moment.  I've been around this district since the Alliance began.   
I do remember John Stanford being very proud but the Alliance was there to serve the district, not the serve the Alliance's goals and desires.  
I urge readers to read both documents carefully.  There are some very striking items to consider. 
One is that the district's letter says that not one, not two but three Seattle Public schools' superintendents have had problems with the CEO.  That there was talking about one superintendent behind his back.  If three very different superintendents have a problem with just one other person, maybe the problem isn't at the district.  You Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Alliance Doubles Down: