Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Kids Not Cuts Gets Political

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Kids Not Cuts Gets Political:

Kids Not Cuts Gets Political

Editor's Note: the Board apparently wrote back and seemingly was not happy with the input from the delegation.  I will post when I receive.  Also, I note that Rep. Reuven Carlyle, Speaker Frank Chopp, Rep. Brady Walkinshaw and Senator Jamie Pedersen did not sign this letter. Pedersen and Carlyle are SPS parents.

Washington State Legislature 
Sherry Carr, President
Seattle School District Board of Directors MS 11-010
PO Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165 

Re: Staff Reassignments 

Dear Board President Carr, 

It has been our privilege work in partnership with you and to advocate on behalf of Seattle Public School students in Olympia. Many of us have students in Seattle Public Schools, and each of us cares deeply about providing all of our children with an excellent education. We recognize the extremely difficult position the District is in and appreciate the steps staff have already taken to minimize impacts to students as you seek to maximize resources consistent with enrollment. We are writing today, however, to express our concern about the disruption caused across the district by teacher reassignments, and we are asking that you consider postponing those teacher reassignments to allow the District to work with the community in order to craft a plan to keep staff at their currently assigned schools. 

In 2012 the State Supreme Court ruled that our state was not meeting its paramount duty of fully funding basic education. Since the original ruling, the state increased K-12 education funding for important elements of basic education such as student transportation, K-3 class size reduction, materials and supplies, and all-day kindergarten. The members of this delegation have been 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Kids Not Cuts Gets Political:

And How Many Cookies to Save Teachers at 25+ Schools?