Sunday, October 18, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Crucial Voting for Seattle School Board

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Crucial Voting for Seattle School Board:

Crucial Voting for Seattle School Board

It happens every single time there are school board races - that it is VITAL to vote and get the right people on the Board.

I will admit that last time, in trying to find good candidates for a couple of races, I certainly got fooled.  I really thought that Sharon Peaslee and Marty McLaren were change agents.  They did present themselves that way even as I realized they really didn't know the district well. My vetting of them found two fired-up women ready to come in and ask hard questions.  Well, that really didn't happen (or it was piecemeal and uneven).

I read everything I could find online and attended five candidates forums.   

Here are my picks for School Board, some with comments and some I just decided that I will let the candidates' words speak for themselves.

District 6 - Leslie Harris.  (Public disclosure, we are friends.)  Harris is the only candidate running against an incumbent. 

Harris has gotten nearly all the endorsements that McLaren garnered in her first run.  Indeed, Harris points out that she herself (as did I) voted for McLaren the first time around.  But McLaren has shown herself to be more interested - it would seem - in working in a committee-style, "collaborating" than actually getting things done or showing real leadership.

That Harris has cultivated friendships that have led to her massive build-up of endorsements, both social and political, is a good thing.  I'll go old-school and say she has a very big Roledex that she says she won't hesitate to use for the good of the district. 

She will be the change agent that McLaren promised to be.  It is deeply 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Crucial Voting for Seattle School Board:

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Who I'm Voting for to Sit on the Seattle City Council