Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Peter Cunningham’s $12-Million-Dollar EdPost Cannot Purchase Readers | deutsch29

Peter Cunningham’s $12-Million-Dollar EdPost Cannot Purchase Readers | deutsch29:

Peter Cunningham’s $12-Million-Dollar EdPost Cannot Purchase Readers

On September 03, 2014, I wrote a post about Education Post, a nonprofit set up to pretty much just operate a pro-corporate-reform-promoting blog. Upon start-up, EdPost scraped together $12 million.
Now that’s one expensive blog.
It turns out that billionaire Eli Broad convinced Peter Cunningham, former communications official for (freshly resigned) US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, to run the cushy, pro-privatization blog operation.
EdPost has been in operation for just over a year, and it seems that Cunningham can’t seem to attract what he cannot purchase:
Non-millionaire-blog-operator, Jennifer Berkshire captured news of the origin ofEdPost and some of the Cunningham corporate-reform lament about all of those numerous, non-corporate-reform, non-millionaire education bloggers in a May 2015 interview:
When I was asked to create this organization—it wasn’t my idea; I was initially approached by Broad—it was specifically because a lot of reform leaders felt like they were being piled on and that no one would come to their defense. They said somebody just needs to help right the ship here. There 
Peter Cunningham’s $12-Million-Dollar EdPost Cannot Purchase Readers | deutsch29: