Tuesday, October 20, 2015

NY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe….. | Round the Inkwell

NY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe….. | Round the Inkwell:

NY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe…..

Today Mary Ellen Elia, the New York Commissioner, sent out this letter.  She said she wants to hear from parents and educators about the Common Core.  I clicked on the link, but I cannot find the survey.  I searched the site.  Are we playing Hide the Bacon, or is there just a survey I can’t find?  Can you find it?


The past five years have brought a lot of changes to your classrooms. I know the implementation of the Common Core Standards has been a challenging transition. I know changes need to be made, and I thank you for your patience. Any time you endeavor the size of the reforms we’re making in New York State, you must make adjustments large and small along the way in order to move forward.

It’s time for us to step back and assess where we are and where we should be going. You work with students every day. You know what’s working and what’s not. Your classrooms are the front line in our struggle to help our students aim higher.

The New York State Education Department tomorrow will launch an online survey that will allow New Yorkers to provide detailed feedback on the State’s English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy and Math Common Core Learning Standards for prekindergarten through grade 12. Teachers, administrators, school board members, parents, the business community, and anyone with an interest in the future of our schools should participate in the review.

The survey, which can be found at www.NYSED.gov, allows respondents to review and comment on any ELA and math standard for any grade level. The survey will be open untilNovember 30, 2015, and the results will help inform changes made to the standards. An advisory group – made up of stakeholders, particularly teachers, school administrators, and parents – will review the survey results and recommendations and present suggested changes to the standards.

As educators who work with students every day, your comments NY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe….. | Round the Inkwell: