Monday, October 12, 2015

Hold charter schools accountable

Hold charter schools accountable:

Hold charter schools accountable

The 40 percent failure rate for charter schools in Indianapolis is very disconcerting. The local NAACP would prefer that there be a moratorium on any expansion of charter schools until more effective results are demonstrated, without the disastrous effects of multiple school closings. This proposal was presented by the NAACP to the City-County Council five years ago without a response.
However, during these subsequent years, the NAACP has concentrated on mutual dialogue in proposing recommendations that would perhaps increase the accountability for these schools. These conversations began with the mayor’s Office of Education Innovation when it was first instituted. These conversations were always welcomed and have resulted in continuous back-and-forth information sharing, and, at times, disagreements on ideology.
With our most recent meeting, the new office director was very open and agreeable with our recommendations for modifications to the accountability framework. Our recommendations were based on research and experience as urban educators, with the intent of increasing the success of these schools and reducing the likelihood of school closings. What gets measured is what gets done.
We still advocate for a moratorium on the expansion of charters in efforts to prevent continued experimentation with the most vulnerable children. However, for all of those who have the same concern that we have, we encourage you to push for the moratorium and, at the same time, engage in dialogue with the mayor’s office to make recommendations for increased accountability.
Carole Craig, Greater Indianapolis NAACP Education Committee