Friday, September 11, 2015

Teacher Tom on who is ultimately to blame for the Seattle teachers’ strike | Seattle Education

Teacher Tom on who is ultimately to blame for the Seattle teachers’ strike | Seattle Education:

Teacher Tom on who is ultimately to blame for the Seattle teachers’ strike

From the Teacher Tom website:
On Wednesday, I made a bicycle “solidarity tour” of the picket lines of striking Seattle teachers in front of an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. At each stop, I found teachers I know as well as former students who were out with their parents in support of the strike. No one wants this strike. The teachers sure don’t, the parents sure don’t, the district sure doesn’t, and the children definitely don’t: every one of them with whom I have spoken is eager for school to start.
From where I sit, there seems to be widespread support for this strike, although I’ve learned to avoid the comments sections of the articles I read. Whatever is going on in my world, there are still some very vocal knee-jerk teacher haters out there. I don’t know if there are lot of them because, when polled, Americans tend to think highly of public school teachers, at least compared to members of other professions, but the haters are loud, mean, and dismally uninformed. Of course, much of the bile is directed at the idea of a union more than the teachers themselves, which shouldn’t be surprising given the relentless campaign against working Americans that has been waged by economic elites for the past three decades, an effort that has even succeeded in convincing many working people to oppose unions. (Yes, economic elites have always been engaged in class warfare against the rest of us, but it has really ramped up since the 1970’s, culminating in the election of Ronald Reagan whose first order to business was to bust the air traffic Teacher Tom on who is ultimately to blame for the Seattle teachers’ strike | Seattle Education: