Sunday, September 13, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Things That Make You Go, Hmm...

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Things That Make You Go, Hmm...:

Things That Make You Go, Hmm...

(Strike update: nothing from SEA as of 10:15 am today, Sunday the 13th; SPS has a press conference today at 3 pm.  Maybe they are hoping there will be something to say then.)

1) In some of the biggest news for public education in Washington State - namely, that the Governor is assembling a "work group" to get McCleary done AND doesn't want the overturned charter law part of the discussion (AND he still doesn't support charter schools) - and yet the Seattle Times has said nothing.  Zero. Zip.  (At least I can't find it.) 

The Stranger reported it.  The Puget Sound Business Journal reported it.  And that was two days ago.  But the Times has time to write about the Justices who sit on the Supreme Court.  Hmm...

2) All the information I have put up here at the blog comes from my gleaning of information from various websites and from parents, both individual and via Soup for Teachers.  Why doesn't SEA want to help me help them by just giving me updates/info?  Hmm....

3) Why doesn't SEA have a specific hashtag for the strike so that Twitter could be more effective?  Why aren't they throwing evidence-based facts out there 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Things That Make You Go, Hmm...: