Wednesday, September 30, 2015

National Education Association Says ‘Bernie Can’t Win’: We Will Endorse Hillary: Members Furious

National Education Association Says ‘Bernie Can’t Win’: We Will Endorse Hillary: Members Furious:

National Education Association Says ‘Bernie Can’t Win’: We Will Endorse Hillary: Members Furious

As the first Democratic debate approaches, members of the National Education Association – the largest labor organization in the US – is split over which candidate they should support in the upcoming presidential election. They’re not the only ones. In general, union leaders are endorsing Hillary Clinton, while rank-and-file members are more inclined to support Bernie Sanders.
It is unusual for a union to support a candidate so early in the process, but the NEA leadership has stated that it wants to identify the potential winner early on in order to “play a significant role in the next administration’s conversation and decision-making about public education.” What is more telling, however, is why the leadership settled on Clinton:
Clinton is the best positioned candidate to win both the Democratic primary and general election. She has unmatched organizational strength, ground game, and fundraising ability to defeat the candidate of the Koch brothers.
In other words, they are endorsing who they believe is the “safe” choice and – according to common wisdom – most likely to be able win the White House next year. Significantly, both Clinton and Sanders earned “A” marks for their congressional legislative records – but then, Sanders is a (oh, horrors!) Socialist.  It appears that the NEA leadership is settling on what they think they can get, not who is likely to do a better job.
Apparently, the NEA leadership is oblivious to what has been going on, not only in the US, but around the world. The people have had enough with the status quo. Sanders has already demonstrated that he not only can win the nomination, but the general election as well. Furthermore, his support for issues that educators are most concerned with is clear: collective bargaining, tuition-free college, and opposition to charter schools.
Clinton, while expressing support for higher teacher pay and smaller class sizes, has said, “I actually do believe in charter schools.”  And, despite the increasingly vocal outrage over student load debt slavery, she won’t go as far as to advocate for free college.  Furthermore, though Clinton started out as a Progressive, she has – for the sake of political survival – compromised too much in moving toward the center.
Sanders’ positions may seem radical, but they are needed after a generation of corporatist National Education Association Says ‘Bernie Can’t Win’: We Will Endorse Hillary: Members Furious: