Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Gen. Tata led the efforts to re-segregate Wake County schools. But now...

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Gen. Tata led the efforts to re-segregate Wake County schools. But now...:

Gen. Tata led the efforts to re-segregate Wake County schools. But now...

Gen. Tata with his pal Palin. 

Remember Brigadier Gen.Tony Tata?

He was fast friends with Sarah Palin and Michelle Rhee's second in command in D.C. who then became the superintendent who led the school re-segregation initiative in Wake County, North Carolina.

For some reason, it became trendy a few years ago, to appoint former generals and colonels as school leaders. We did it here in Chicago when Rahm Emanuelappointed Marine Col. Tim Tyrrell and paid him $180,000/year to run his mass school-closing operation. Tyrrell also was charged with selling or finding new uses for closed school buildings, a project that so far has failed miserably.

BUT BACK TO TATA...After mass protests by the NAACP and court actions, the school board finally was forced to fire Tata. But he was then appointed by Tea Party fave, Gov. Pat McCrory to head of the State Dept. of Transportation.

Col. Tyrrell resigned in January.
It was Tata’s credentials as military man that helped him land the superintendent's job and Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Gen. Tata led the efforts to re-segregate Wake County schools. But now...: