Tuesday, September 8, 2015

#FightForDyett Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: North Side/South Side. The pot is boiling over. Hunger strikers ask Obama to intervene.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: North Side/South Side. The pot is boiling over. Hunger strikers ask Obama to intervene.:

North Side/South Side. The pot is boiling over. Hunger strikers ask Obama to intervene.

Labor Day at Dyett...We gathered in support of the hunger strikers, now in the 23rd day of their strike. We heard Jitu Brown's progress report along with a reading of the demands the strikers are making which include greater community decision-making in all things Dyett. They say they're hoping for a quick resolution with Rev. Jesse Jackson handling the negotiations with CPS.

That won't be easy. Negotiations in this city are basically warfare without guns. Remember, CEO Forrest Claypool is already on record refusing to negotiate with the hunger strikers. That's what led to a continuation of the strike in the first place.

He's also blown up the Board's negotiations with the CTU as his first act in office. This, just as Karen Lewis was reporting that they were thisclose to a contract agreement.

This is obviously a man with white entitlement issues. Doesn't work well with people of color.

But shit happens. Remember in 2005, even though he was campaign geniusMike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: North Side/South Side. The pot is boiling over. Hunger strikers ask Obama to intervene.: