Monday, August 24, 2015

Randi Weingarten to Deliver Keynote at the 2015 WIN Summit Presented by The Negotiation Institute

Randi Weingarten to Deliver Keynote at the 2015 WIN Summit Presented by The Negotiation Institute:

Randi Weingarten to Deliver Keynote at the 2015 WIN Summit Presented by The Negotiation Institute

NEW YORK, Aug. 24, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Negotiation Institute announced today that Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, will deliver the closing keynote address at the Women’s Insights on the Art of Negotiating (WIN) Summit on October 1, 2015 at the New York Hilton.
The two-day executive development conference will also feature keynote addresses given by the 23rd Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Deborah Lee James and Cathie Black, former chairman of Hearst Magazines.
The WIN Summit is a powerful forum dedicated to helping women advance into higher positions of leadership and achieve greater success for themselves and their organizations through the art of negotiation. The Summit will feature a remarkable group of leaders from both academia and corporate America including Sara Laschever, Lisa Gersh, Laura Maxwell, Wendy Finerman, Jeanne Brett and many more to provide attendees with a powerful set of tools to enhance their negotiation and leadership skills.  For more information and a full list of WIN speakers, please visit:
“There is no more fitting way to learn negotiation skills than by hearing from Randi Weingarten, a woman whose negotiating and leadership skills are legendary,” said Jack Simony, Chairman of the Negotiation Institute. “Weingarten and our other renowned speakers will challenge women to not only learn from one another but help each other climb to the highest rungs of the corporate ladder.”
The WIN Summit is presented by The Negotiation Institute- the first and longest running negotiation training organization in the world. WIN is also generously underwritten by our dedicated sponsors including Reed SmithThe New York TimesElizabeth Arden Red Door SpasLeidosMilberg LLPPayScaleCozen O’ConnorADPRankAboveWicked Los Angeles, and Wells Fargo.
“The Summit fosters discussion and provokes thought on important topics in the science and art of negotiation.  It brings together an unparalleled array of female leaders and experts in a wide variety of fields, with the common core of expertise and success in negotiation,” said Leigh Hansson, Washington-based Leader of the International Trade & National Security Team at Reed Smith.   “We are very proud to be a part of this fantastic event, and look forward to an informative and exciting two days,” added James McCarroll, the New York-based Chair of Reed Smith’s Investment Management Group.
For more information on registration, group discounts, sponsorship sales, or general inquiries for The WIN Summit please visit or call 212-796-5600 or email
About The Negotiation Institute
Founded in 1966, The Negotiation Institute (TNI) provides on-site corporate training programs and public conference events designed to provide executives a competitive advantage in today's global marketplace. The first and longest-running negotiation training organization in the world, the Institute legacy and depth of experience enables us to provide clients with unparalleled solutions across a variety of executive competencies—negotiation, high-performance sales, procurement, supply chain management, leadership and presentation skills. The TNI commitment to excellence is reflected throughout our global faculty of instructors, thought leaders and business experts. To learn more, please visit us at

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