Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pillars or Propaganda - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice

Pillars or Propaganda - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice:

Pillars or Propaganda

pillars ancient

When you hear the word “pillars,” does it invoke an image of strong supports? Who would have thought this innocent but persuasive word would be used against us in the education reform wars?
  • Stronger Accountability for Results
  • More Freedom for States and Communities
  • Proven Education Methods
  • More Choices for Parents
Pillars or propaganda?
After 14 years, our reality should tell us that they were not pillars of school improvement. The propaganda machine behind NCLB was strong and effective. The wording of the pillars —like the name No Child Left Behind—were only the empty promises of a politically-motivated, greed-driven marketing campaign.
And now?lawmaking-process
Now we stand poised to have Representative John Kline (R-MN) chair the House-Senate Conference Committee to write the law slated to replace NCLB— if the combined bills once again pass through both houses and the president signs it.
Let the deal making and propaganda flow — in a very controlled manner.
No Child Left Behind greatly expanded the role of the federal government in public schools in an effort to ensure every student receive equal academic opportunities. The law required states to set 
Pillars or Propaganda - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: