Sunday, August 30, 2015

Did the Achievement First Charter School Chain Cheat on the Connecticut SBAC tests? - Wait What?

Did the Achievement First Charter School Chain Cheat on the Connecticut SBAC tests? - Wait What?:

Did the Achievement First Charter School Chain Cheat on the Connecticut SBAC tests?

The case has been repeatedly made that that the Common Core SBAC testing scheme is unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory.  Designed to fail students, many of the questions on the SBAC test covered material that students had not even been taught.
However, from day one, the charter school industry has been among the SBAC testing programs greatest champions.  The Achievement First Charter School Chain, along with Connecticut’s two major charter school advocacy groups, ConnCAN and CCER, have spent millions of dollars lobbying in favor of the Common Core SBAC testing system and Governor Dannel Malloy’s “education reform” agenda.
In recent days, both charter school lobbying groups have written commentary pieces lauding the SBAC testing scam.
See:  For the sake of Connecticut’s children, embrace the SBAC data (By ConnCAN’s Jennifer Alexander) and Connecticut’s students must be challenged in school (By CCER’s Jeffrey Villar)
Now that Governor Dannel Malloy’s administration has finally released the results of the 2015 SBAC testing, parents, students and teachers and taxpayers can see just how unfair and discriminatory the massive and expensive SBAC testing program is.
But beyond the major underlying lying problem with the SBAC tests, an incredible issue immediately stands out when reviewing the SBAC test results.
The results “achieved” by the Achievement First charter schools chain of charter schools are Did the Achievement First Charter School Chain Cheat on the Connecticut SBAC tests? - Wait What?: