Monday, August 24, 2015

Brooklyn parent: Surveys show missed opportunities in schools - News - The Bulletin - Norwich, CT

Brooklyn parent: Surveys show missed opportunities in schools - News - The Bulletin - Norwich, CT:

Brooklyn parent: Surveys show missed opportunities in schools 

BROOKLYN — A parent’s two-year quest to get copies of the school climate survey has ended, but it has only raised more questions for the school district.
Lisa Arends began her effort to get copies of the survey results in May 2013, but it took mediation from the Freedom of Information Commission before they were hand-delivered to her earlier this month. 
FOI Commission Attorney Lisa Siegel mediated the situation and said while she would not comment on the specific negotiations, she was pleased to see a resolution.
“Everybody working in government has to deal with public access to documents,” Siegel said. “That’s a good outcome of this situation. I’m happy about that.”
Arends filed a formal FOI complaint May 5, 2013. According to the FOI Commission citizens “have a right to access the records that are maintained by our public agencies — this includes the right to review or get a copy of any paper record, e-mail, tape recording, bills, photographs” and more.
“It’s obvious when you look at the comments why there was concern for the public seeing the comments that were being made,” Arends said.
School climate surveys, first administered in 2013, were mandated by the state after the Sandy HookSchool shooting in December 2012. Students, parents and staff were asked to evaluate the school concerning cleanliness, safety, violence, parental involvement and staff and student interaction. The information gleaned is used to help create a positive learning environment.
“When I review (the surveys) I see missed opportunities,” Arends said. “To me, you take these surveys and you try to make improvements based on what you’re being told. I don’t think that’s happened from what I’m seeing because it’s the same comments coming year after year.”
The surveys Arends was given include results from 2013, 2014 and 2015 and total hundreds of pages. From what she’s read, Arends said comments from parents and staff are of concern regarding communication, lack of resources and support, and discord among teaching staff. They are the same concerns that struck future Board of Education members Aimee Genna and Eric Anderson.
“I really feel like communication is one of the first things we really need to deal with,” Genna said. “Open lines of communication between the administration and the staff, the teacher and parents, the board, all of it, is really important moving forward.”
Brooklyn’s principals have reported the results of the surveys at Board of Education meetings but only the results for students and parents. Staff results have not been reported publically.
“Unfortunately, it doesn’t surprise me, but it still makes me very upset,” Anderson said. “How much of this is personal and how much of this is legitimate workplace issues? I don’t have the answers to that yet. I can tell you as a parent I know these teachers are passionate about teaching. The positive thing is the students don’t seem to be experiencing the unhappiness.”
While many comments outline staff division and communication concerns, others outline specific staffing needs, such as an assistant principal at the elementary school and a full-time school psychologist.
When asked about staff concerns, Berry said none of the elementary school staff have approached her about specific staffing needs. She said elementary school Principal Fran King has Brooklyn parent: Surveys show missed opportunities in schools - News - The Bulletin - Norwich, CT: