Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Who Is Left In PARCC and Smarter Balanced? | Truth in American Education

Who Is Left In PARCC and Smarter Balanced? | Truth in American Education:

Who Is Left In PARCC and Smarter Balanced?

Since there has been some changes with the membership of both PARCC and Smarter Balanced I thought it would be a good idea to bring you an updated list.
PARCC is in trouble.  The big news this week is that Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the budget the Ohio Legislature sent him that prohibited PARCC.  Maryland’s Governor (they are the current fiscal agent) Larry Hogan has doubts about the assessment and is looking for a way to ditch Common Core and PARCC.
Massachusetts is still in process of deciding between PARCC and MCAS so they could still end up leaving.  Arkansas is out the door unless the state’s board of education decides to sue Governor Asa Hutchinson.  Louisiana’s future with the assessment consortia is in doubt as well.  It stayed in this school year when a state judge overruled Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s executive order.  A review of Common Core and PARCC will be underway soon.  Mississippi is pulling out of PARCC after this year as well.
So basically we have a consortia that once had 25 members is now down to 8 states plus DC with three of those states’ future being uncertain: Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia.
Smarter Balanced is in better shape, but has lost a few members.  They are slow at updating their Who Is Left In PARCC and Smarter Balanced? | Truth in American Education: