Friday, July 17, 2015

WATCH: Education in the 2016 Presidential Campaign Panel featuring Lily Eskelsen García - Lily's Blackboard

WATCH: Education in the 2016 Presidential Campaign Panel featuring Lily Eskelsen García - Lily's Blackboard:

WATCH: Education in the 2016 Presidential Campaign Panel featuring Lily Eskelsen García

The next President will have a huge responsibility in shaping the future of public education in America. Common Core, access to higher education, college affordability, civil rights and equal opportunity in education, and the federal role in public education will play a crucial part in the debate of both the Republican and Democratic nomination process and the general election.
Starts: Friday, Jul. 17 4:45 PM (EST)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 17 6:00 PM (EST)
This panel is part of Netroots Nation in Phoenix, Arizona (July 16-19, 2015) and is sponsored by the National Education Association
Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 10.24.42 AM
You can find more information about the panel, moderator and panelists HERE
WATCH: Education in the 2016 Presidential Campaign Panel featuring Lily Eskelsen García - Lily's Blackboard: