Sunday, July 12, 2015

Picket the July 22 Board of Ed Meeting

Chicago Teachers Union | Board Meeting Picket July 2015:

Picket the July 22 Board of Ed Meeting

July 22, 2015 9:00 AM

CPS Headquarters Dearborn & Madison, Chicago, IL 60603

Host Contact Info: or 312.329.9100

Map data ©2015 Google

On Wednesday, July 1, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that the required repayment of $634 million to the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund would require cuts to schools of some $200 million resulting in the layoff of as many as 1,400 school personnel. Rahm, Rauner, Ruiz and the corporations and bankers they represent want to pit students and their families against dedicated teachers, PSRPs and clinicians who have devoted their careers to education and have a right to a secure retirement. We must say NO! CPS has a revenue problem, not a pension problem. CPS is broke on purpose!
Join us to picket the Board Meeting. If you want to attend the meeting, click here to let us know and be sure to sign up on Monday, July 13 at 8:00 a.m. Please also let us know if you plan to speak at the meeting.
Chicago Teachers Union | Board Meeting Picket July 2015: