Sunday, July 12, 2015

Did AFT Rank and File REALLY Endorse Hillary Clinton for President? If So, Release the Raw Data | gadflyonthewallblog

Did AFT Rank and File REALLY Endorse Hillary Clinton for President? If So, Release the Raw Data | gadflyonthewallblog:

Did AFT Rank and File REALLY Endorse Hillary Clinton for President? If So, Release the Raw Data

I have nothing against Hillary Clinton.
Heck! I might even vote for her in the coming Presidential race. Maybe…
But the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) endorsement of the former First Lady is strange in many ways.
First, it’s awfully early. The initial Democratic primaries aren’t scheduled for half a year yet – February of 2016 to be exact. And the general election isn’t until Nov. 8, 2016 – more than a year away.
Second, the manner in which this endorsement was reached is somewhat mysterious.
This much seems certain:
1) The AFT executive board invited all of the candidates to meet with them and submit to an interview. No Republican candidates responded.
2) Democrats including Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley and Clinton were interviewed in private.
3) The executive committee voted to endorse Clinton.
4) NOW the interviews are scheduled to be released to the public.
This is a perplexing timetable. Why would the AFT endorse BEFORE releasing the interviews? Ostensibly, the executive council used these interviews to help make its Did AFT Rank and File REALLY Endorse Hillary Clinton for President? If So, Release the Raw Data | gadflyonthewallblog: