Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Stealing the Joy of Reading—How Common Core Destroys Reading Pleasure

Stealing the Joy of Reading—How Common Core Destroys Reading Pleasure:

Young woman reading a magic book

Stealing the Joy of Reading—How Common Core Destroys Reading Pleasure

Who would have believed that it would come to this?
Education Week is having a webinar on new approaches to reading aloud in K-2nd grade (New Strategies for Reading Aloud to K-2 Students, Thurs. June 18, 2-3 p.m ET). The underwriting for the webinar is through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and with Common Core the idea is that you must move away from the “cozy” reading gatherings to “crafting questions that guide children back to the text to build vocabulary, content knowledge, and evidence-based understanding of the text.”
What a complete lack of trust in children! To manipulate this sacrosanct process in honor of Common Core programming is nothing less than heresy!
As a parent and teacher I am here to tell you the most important thing anyone can do with a young child (and even an older one) is read aloud to them. It’s so simple—so pure in its intent and approach! Teachers, parents and librarians have been thrilling children for years by simply reading aloud. Questions flow naturally. It needs no fine tuning!
To make educators and parents feel like they must subscribe to constructing questions, and emphasizing vocabulary and content knowledge as they read, is harmful. To imply you require evidence the child obtained knowledge from the book destroys the sheer beauty of reading for pleasure.
There is a time and place for analyzing text—especially as children get older—but not during story hour. No way!
I would add that even older students, and students with reading disabilities, appreciate being read to with no strings attached. To listen to the words and the stories for enjoyment creates its own special learning. I think it is especially important for Stealing the Joy of Reading—How Common Core Destroys Reading Pleasure: