Thursday, June 4, 2015

Defies Measurement - what happens when the wrong people make decisions for schools.

shine on productions - Defies Measurement:

Defies Measurement
a documentary

Defies Measurement strengthens the discussion about public education by taking a much-needed, fresh, hard look at why it is so important to address the social and emotional needs of every student, and what happens when the wrong people make decisions for schools.


“Puckett has done a superb job of creating a clear, comprehensible picture of the complex forces that are crushing public education. If you get frustrated with trying to explain the complex and crushing forces arrayed against what we know works in education, this film is a great resource. It is not sensationalized, it's not super-slick and it's not hyperbolized. It is a calm but relentless and clear raising of the alarm and showing what we know to do well, and how we are being taken down a failed and fruitless road. Watch this film. Share this film. Spread the word about this film.”

-Peter Greene, “Curmudgucation

Shannon Puckett ratchets up the tension and knowledge methodically by gathering an all-star cast of education policy experts, parents and others— Diane Ravitch, David Berliner, Linda Darling-Hammond, David Kirp, Karran Harper Royal, Mercedes Schneider, Jason France, Howard Gardener and many many many others (y yo)… These are the critical voices and expertise noticeably absent in Davis Guggenheim’s Waiting for Superman. Puckett’s filmmaking is markedly more imaginative and accurate than Waiting for Superman. She clearly improves upon that effort. It could be said that Defies Measurement is kryptonite for Superman’s attempt to discuss what is ailing our nation’s schools. The movie has an acute sense of the unnerving aspects of education reform agenda, the film Defies Measurement made me simultaneously disappointed, angry— and yet with the Chipman backdrop— hopeful for an alternative student and community centered era in public education.”

-Julian Vasquez Heilig, “Cloaking Inequity

"This documentary is fantastic! As an academic I can assure anyone who may not know the research that Defies Measurement is entirely in line with our best knowledge and the people interviewed are top experts. Every American should watch this film -- period."
-Salvatore Babones

"I sat and watched the entire movie just now, in one sitting. Defies Measurement defies words. It is a power-packed, one-hour, brilliantly done, tour de force. I've shared it widely, as per my "promise" on the download page. Thank you for making this available for all to view."
-Deborah Abramson Brooks Wsm

"Powerfully accurate!!"
-Donna Allen-Krug

“By far, the most important film I've viewed on education since getting involved 3 years ago in Common Core research. Anyone supporting Common Core/PARCC after seeing this is hopeless. Our children deserve better than this national disgrace mandated by the federal government.”-Carol Dufrene

 “I just sat down and watched Defies Measurement in its entirety. What an impressive work…this is a must see for anyone who cares about kids and public education. I was particularly impressed with the repeated admonition that we must focus on citizenship. We know tests scores and test prep will not make our children productive citizens! Thank you, Shannon.”
-Linda Allen

“This is a marvelous film!!! Watch it! Talk about it! Share it. That which is essential is invisible to the eye. That which is essential is invisible to the test!”-Tom Casper

“It is the best amalgamation I’ve seen of all the reasons why equity, not “test-taking-excellence” should be our goal for education in America. Supporting all children and families would be a huge first step.”
-Susan Keeney

“The film IS stunning… Tony, Diane, Mercedes, et al: Thank you! Please anyone and everyone, view this film and spread it like WILDFIRE to everyone you know and love. . . . .This film is a gift, an energizer, a motivator, a source of inspiration, a muse, and most of all, it is SATURATED and DRIPPING with the TRUTH!”-Robert Rendo

“I just watched this film and it should be required viewing for every parent, teacher, administrator and politician in this country! I am the parent of an eighth grader and a sixth grader who both attend a public Montessori school (and I couldn't be more grateful for that!). Although Chipman was not a Montessori school, it very well could have been. Experiential learning is so much more valuable than any standardized test could ever be...Thank you!!!”
-Pam Hricik

“Parents/guardians, please watch this film NOW.”-Joe D’Andrea