Monday, May 11, 2015

The Politics of Reform - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice

The Politics of Reform - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice:

The Politics of Reform

The politics of education reform has taken us on a roller-coaster ride for so long that it really behooves us to pause a moment and think about what all the political labels mean.
Look at what a purely conservative view would be.Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 5.59.48 PMPeople sharing a true conservative political philosophy —to preserve what is established based on tradition and social stability— would not have wanted to do what we did with No Child Left Behind. We took a radical step, from a law meant to strengthen and improve an institution, to a law designed around the irresistibly appealing word “choice.”
So when we talk about a conservative point of view, it is with a small “c.” It is only when people with conservative views join a political party labeled Conservative —being the Republican Party in the U.S.—that governing philosophies get murky and guiding principles less clear.Mischiefs-of-Party
The same can be said about the Democratic Party —the designated U.S. political party of liberalism.
But, what is at the heart of liberalism?Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 5.44.08 PMDoes the use of “free-market” in describing liberalism seem off?Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 5.45.07 PMHum?
With American politics deeply embedded in education reform, it is no wonder we can’t figure out who the real enemies of public education are — “enemies” being defined here as any group or individuals wanting to dismantle the public system andThe Politics of Reform - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: