Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Longest Lasting Lesson - A Thank You to All the Excellent Teachers I've Ever Had - Badass Teachers Association

Badass Teachers Association:

The Longest Lasting Lesson - A Thank You to All the Excellent Teachers I've Ever Had

Written by Steven Singer, BAT Leadership Team Member

Originally post on his Blog:


They say teaching is the one profession that creates all the others.

 That teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.

 And it’s certainly true in my life.

 I wouldn’t be the person I am today without a string of excellent educators.

 For better or worse, I am the product of decades of first-rate instruction and inspiration.

 There are so many teachers who made a profound impact on my life.

 Mr. Mitchell taught me how to express my opinion, listen to others and consider their point of view before responding.
 Ms. Robb taught me how to organize my thoughts so they make sense to someone else.

 Mr. Geissler taught me how money and politics work together.

 Ms. Neuschwander taught me the value of a good story.

 And there are so many more. I wish I could remember them all.

 If we’re honest, everyone had a plethora of powerful pedagogues in their lives.

 Their names are legion – even if we can’t remember most of them.

 During this Teacher Appreciation Week, the one that keeps popping into my head is Ms. Zadrel.

 She was my third grade teacher.

 I don’t remember what she looked like. I don’t remember most of her lessons. I’m not even sure if I’m spelling her name right.

 But I do remember how she organized her class.

 The room was a separate town called Zadrelville. The rows of desks were streets. Each student had a job and we earned play money.

 We could send each other letters, play the lottery, vote for class mayor – almost everything you’d do in a small town. Everyday tasks were jobs – emptying the pencil sharpener, passing out papers, cleaning the blackboard, etc.

 And me? I wrote the newspaper. “The News of 201” it was called.

 It was a fairly gossipy rag. Headlines included things like who liked whom, if someone got paddled in gym, and which was better – Indiana Jones or Star Wars movies.

 I made the paper myself, ran it off on the copier and delivered it to subscribers’ desks.

 I published about once a week. Any day a new edition would roll hot off the press (and it actually was warm), everyone in the class had to have one. It was essential reading.

 There even may have been a few fights caused by some of my articles.

 “You like Beth!? She’s got cuties!”

 I never got a chance to see Ms. Zadrel’s lesson plans. I’m not sure exactly what she had in mind for us from this classroom management model. But I learned a lot.

 Perhaps the longest lasting lesson was about myself. I learned how much I love being creative and how important it is for me to impact people’s lives.

 Would I have become a teacher, myself, if I hadn’t had this experience? Maybe not.

 I’d always enjoyed writing, but seeing such a demand for my work probably changed my life.

 I wasn’t just writing for ME. I was writing for an audience. I gauged what the class wanted from a newspaper and provided it.

 My articles may have caused a stir, but no one ever unsubscribed. By putting all 
Badass Teachers Association: