Thursday, May 21, 2015

Teachers Under Siege: BATs Call on Federal Lawmakers to Demand Scientific Study on Teacher Stress Badass Teachers Association

Badass Teachers Association:

Teachers Under Siege:  BATs Call on Federal Lawmakers to Demand Scientific Study on Teacher Stress 

Teachers are under siege!  BATs initiated a study to be done on teacher stress by the AFT.  Our collaboration, the first of its kind, shows that a growing number of educators are under siege in this country.  Many are reporting high levels of bullying and stress.  Time to tell the United States Department of Education and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health to conduct a scientific study on teacher stress and work environment.  Please demand that our lawmakers press them to do this and hold hearings on the outcome.

Here is the letter you can send and our link on Action Network to send a quick letter

Dear Senator/Representative:
The Badass Teachers Association (BATs), an education activist group with over 55,000 members nationwide, respectfully asks you to tell the USDOE and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health  to conduct a scientific study on teacher stress.  In May of 2014 BATs and the AFT collaborated in conducting a study on teacher stress and work environment that had astounding results.  Over 90,000 Teachers started the survey with over 30,000 completing.

 The initial results found that teachers are under siege and suffering.  Here are the base results: 

We are asking you, our federal lawmakers, to please call Secretary Duncan and Dr. John Howard TODAY and demand they conduct a scientific study on this matter.   We also respectfully ask that when they do the study that Congress hold hearings regarding this epidemic! 
Badass Teachers Association: