Monday, May 25, 2015

#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context. | Fred Klonsky

#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context. | Fred Klonsky:

#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context.

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Yesterday I posted on U.S. Judge Milton Shadur’s ruling that African American teachers who were laid off by the Chicago Public School constituted a class.
In other words, Shadur ruled that there was a basis for the claim that African American teachers were targeted because they were African American.
The law suit will now proceed to trial and possible damages.
Today’s NY Times reports that public sector jobs have vanished.
And who have been the victims?
Because blacks hold a disproportionate share of the jobs, relative to their share of the population, the cutbacks naturally hit them harder.
But black workers overall, women in particular, also lost their jobs at a higher rate than whites, Ms. Laird found. There was a “double disadvantage for black public sector workers,” she said. “They are concentrated in a shrinking sector of the economy, and they are substantially more likely than other public sector workers to be without work.”#BlackTeachersMatter. The suit against CPS and the larger national context. | Fred Klonsky: