Tuesday, April 28, 2015

95% of Garfield High School’s 11th graders have opted out of the Common Core SBAC | Seattle Education

95% of Garfield High School’s 11th graders have opted out of the Common Core SBAC | Seattle Education:

95% of Garfield High School’s 11th graders have opted out of the Common Core SBAC

Garfield_HS_2This just in.
95% of the Garfield High School 11th graders in Seattle have opted out of the Common Core SBAC tests.
This is the same class that made history when they opted out of the MAP test en masse. Remember that? See The MAP has been scrapped in Seattle high schools. Those students were in 9th grade at the time and learned to critically consider what was asked of them. They decided taking the MAP test was not a good use of resources or their time.
Now they are back and saying “No!” to the SBAC.
What is of note about Garfield High School is that the school has a minority enrollment of about 60% and approximately 40% would be considered economically “disadvantaged”. Many of these students have resettled recently in this country. This shows that there are schools across the socio-economic stratum opting out of the SBAC test in Seattle.
It has been reported that across town at Ingraham High School there is a large percentage of students opting out but no numbers have been confirmed.
When I found out, you will too readers.
I am sure there is more to come.