Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Walton defender gets typing hand slapped in charter school debate | Arkansas Blog

Walton defender gets typing hand slapped in charter school debate | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art:

Walton defender gets typing hand slapped in charter school debate

Posted By  on Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 5:25 PM

click to enlargeFOLLOW THE MONEY: That was Walton Business College prof Julie Trivitt's sneer at a Walton critic. The critic took her up on it.
  • FOLLOW THE MONEY: That was Walton Business College prof Julie Trivitt's sneer at a Walton critic. The critic took her up on it.
Mercedes Schneider is an education blogger. She once wrote a piece critical of the Waltons for what she described as education-on-the-cheap reform strategies built around charter schools.

For that, she got a sneering retort on Facebook from one Julie Stroud Trivitt, an economics faculty member at the Walton College of Business at the Waltons' university in Fayetteville, known by some as the University of Arkansas and home to the Walton-financed College of Education Reform.

Sneered Trivitt:

I was not familiar with Mercedes Schneider before you mentioned her. I read on her blog for a few minutes. I will bet that if you follow the money, you will see she is funded by a teachers union.

Schneider responds to the specific in a full financial disclosure here. She is not funded by a teachers union. She IS a public school teacher, a job not held in high esteem by the Walton forces.

Here's Schneiders full put-down of Trivitt today. Highly recommended.

Waltonites tend think the rest of the world is like them — for sale. Jim Walton doesn't lavish money on people who can't be bought.

click to enlargewalton-uark.jpg

    So, Ms. Trivitt — Follow the money? Yes, follow the damn money, to Kathy Smith, Laurie Lee, Gary Newton, Scott Smith, Bruce Cozart, Charlotte Douglas, Jane English, Bart Hester, Bill Gossage, most Republican legislators, the University of Arkansas, the UA College of Education Reform, the Walton College of Business, to Education Commissioner-to-be Johnny Key, Gov. Hutchinson and on and on and on.

    Oh and speaking of Walton toadies:

    Just got off the phone with Rep. John Walker. He was with Walton-financed lobbyists Gary Newton andScott Smith when a process server called his phone and asked him how to find Newton to serve a subpoena to testify in the lawsuit opposing the Walton-backed takeover of the Little Rock School District for their grand privatization scheme.

    Walker said, "He's right here. Come on over to the Capitol." He told Newton a process server was looking for Walton defender gets typing hand slapped in charter school debate | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art: