Sunday, March 1, 2015

Rahm's Accomplishments - #Chuy2015

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Four years of Rahm's Achievements.

 Chicago likes a tough mayor that gets things done.  Let's take a look at what Mayor Rahm Emanuel has done in his short tenure.  From finance and crime, to education and jobs, Rahm has touched every aspect of our city in less than four years.

Finance & Ethics
  • Of Emanuel’s top 106 contributors, 60 of them received favors from the city. 
  • Evaded his own, much-trumpeted executive order banning campaign contributions from city contractors by shoveling $38 million in city resources to his donors via “direct voucher payments,” a sketchy loophole that lets businesses get city money without bids or contracts — without, in fact, any way of documenting what the money is used for.
  • Disregarded ethics and laws and accepted more than $600,000 worth of donations from executives at firms managing Chicago pension money.
  • Doesn’t attempt to recoup more than $100 million from issuance of $1 billion in risky auction-rate debt paired with interest-rate swaps…despite a federal rule that requires banks to "deal fairly" with governments when they underwrite government bonds. 
  • Established regulations favorable to Uber, a company Rahm’s brother stands to make a billions dollars from.
  • Pays for preschool using dubious scheme in which investors could double their money and cost the city dearly.
  • Missed the only opportunity to fight the parking meter deal, and instead locked the contract in place for the next 75 years.
  • Chicago’s bond rating dropped to near junk-bond levels.
  • Appointed board member Deborah Quazzo, who invests in companies that privatize school functions tripled their business with the Chicago Public Schools while she was on the board.
  • Cut pensions of middle-class workers and diverted funds to enrich some of his biggest campaign contributors.
  • Fails to reform disability programs, costing taxpayers millions.
  • Facing budget crisis, spends $2.7 million on armor for horses for a NATO summit.
  • Outsourced CTA fare card, despite having one that worked fine, to a company for $454 million, which then added new fees that bilk the poor on a grand scale.
  • Top donor bought stock in Marriott immediately before City awarded company huge contract.


Crime & Safety

Employment & Poverty

Does Rahm deserve another four years?

Big Education Ape: Chicago Inc. Rahm Emanuel Dances for Corporate Money - Vote for Chuy!!!