Thursday, March 12, 2015

Howard Dean endorses Garcia over Rahm for Chicago mayor | ‪#‎Chuy2015‬ ‪#‎imwithchuy‬

Howard Dean endorses Garcia over Rahm for Chicago mayor | Chicago:

Howard Dean endorses Garcia over Rahm for Chicago mayor

WASHINGTON – Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor, Democratic National Committee chairman and presidential candidate endorsed Jesus “Chuy” Garcia over Rahm Emanuel for Chicago mayor on Thursday.
Important back story: When Emanuel was the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he stuck it to Dean in 2006 – when Dean was the DNC chair. Emanuel  wanted Dean to funnel millions of dollars to help House candidates. Emanuel taunted Dean’s “50 State Strategy” and a leaked story about how little Emanuel thought of Dean found its way into print.
Now, back to the present: Enough with the payback. What could this mean?
Dean throwing himself in the mix adds a high profile progressive voice to Garcia’s team and hits at Emanuel’s vulnerability that was so apparent in the February primary – Emanuel’s lack of a strong ground game to spur turnout in wards where he had supporters.
Dean can help mobilize and energize grass-root Garcia backers.
While the organization Dean founded, Democracy for America already was backing Garcia, having Dean himself speak up takes it up a few notches, even as his endorsement comes as no surprise.
In a statement Dean said, “When I ran for president in 2004, I told supporters in my stump speech that I represented the ‘Democratic wing of the Democratic Party’ — a line inspired by Paul Wellstone that captured the spirit of my grassroots campaign.
“Jesús ‘Chuy’ García is running a similar people-powered campaign in Chicago and that’s why I am proud to announce that I Howard Dean endorses Garcia over Rahm for Chicago mayor | Chicago: