Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hey, Kids: Take the PARCC Test, Qualify for an iPad Mini (??) | deutsch29

Hey, Kids: Take the PARCC Test, Qualify for an iPad Mini (??) | deutsch29:

Hey, Kids: Take the PARCC Test, Qualify for an iPad Mini (??)

refuse the test

 Louisiana is not a legitimate PARCC participant. Official PARCC vendor, Pearson, has no contract directly with the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) for the 2015 PARCC testing that is supposed to occur in March and May 2015.

2015 PARCC scores cannot directly affect student promotion decisions because the scores will not even be available until fall 2015, after the 2015-16 school year begins.
It seems that the primary function of 2015 Louisiana “PARCC” is to grade schools. The secondary use is to form a baseline to use to grade teachers via value-added modeling (VAM).
The fact that 2015 Louisiana “PARCC” will directly affect schools and not individual students has created an atmosphere in which some Louisiana school administrators are trying to coerce students in grades 3 through 8 into taking the ten-plus hours of PARCC testing.
Consider the notice below, sent to parents of students at DeQuincy Elementary School in DeQuincy, Louisiana (Calcasieu Parish Schools):

The message behind the DeQuincy post above is that opting out/refusing to test “is ruining” the opportunity for the entire school to have a 30-minute recess following testing.
Then, there are the “free dress” passes and iPad drawing for students who submit toten-plus hours of testing for the purpose of saving the school from potential, state-Hey, Kids: Take the PARCC Test, Qualify for an iPad Mini (??) | deutsch29: