Monday, March 16, 2015

Billionaire Ken Griffin puts in another $500,000 for Rahm reelection | Chicago #‎Chuy2015‬ ‪#‎imwithchuy‬

Billionaire Ken Griffin puts in another $500,000 for Rahm reelection | Chicago:

Billionaire Ken Griffin puts in another $500,000 for Rahm reelection

 Billionaire Citadel hedge fund founder Ken Griffin sunk another $500,000 into supporting Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s reelection, giving the sizable contribution to  the pro-Emanuel political action committee Chicago Forward.

The donation, which was reported on Friday, was on top of the $250,000 Griffin just donated directly to Emanuel’s campaign fund after the mayor failed to seal up the Feb. 24 first round election.
Chicago Forward last week launched an attack ad against “Jesus Chuy” Garcia, asking: ““What do we really know about Chuy Garcia?” It then answers the rhetorical question by saying, “He’s an old-style, Chicago politician who’s looked out for himself — not you.”
Griffin has given nearly $1 million to pro-Emanuel campaign committees over the last year, including $750,000 since March 2. Griffin was similarly a major financial force in the campaign of Gov. Bruce Rauner, the Republican’s largest donor outside of Rauner himself. Griffin’s support included a massive $8 million, post-Billionaire Ken Griffin puts in another $500,000 for Rahm reelection | Chicago: