Thursday, February 26, 2015

What Would Matt Damon's Mom Say? | BustED Pencils

What Would Matt Damon's Mom Say? | BustED Pencils:


NancyCP-216x324Question:  What would Matt Damon’s mom say and who cares?  Answer:  We all should!
Matt Damon’s mom, also known as Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, is an early childhood scholar who knows what she’s talking about when it comes to education.  Yes, Matt–her son–is an awesome actor with a lot to say about education, but let’s face it, he’s just another celebrity with an opinion.  If you’re looking for expert analysis concerning public education policy then “Mom Knows Best.”  Especially Matt Damon’s mom!
Below are extended clips with Matt’s MOM–Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige.
WWMDS – 2/26/15(2/26/2015)-What is this Common Core stuff?  Where did it come from and who actually produced the standards? Listen to Nancy for this primer on the Common Core State Standards.
WWMDMS – 12/1/14(12/1/2014)-This week Nancy comments on Arne Duncan’s inability and lack of qualifications to be Secretary of Education.