Sunday, February 22, 2015

Teachers across America are fighting for their students – Where the hell are CT’s teacher unions - Wait What?

Teachers across America are fighting for their students – Where the hell are CT’s teacher unions - Wait What?:

Teachers across America are fighting for their students – Where the hell are CT’s teacher unions

Governor Malloy has made it painfully clear – he intends to stay the course on the discriminatory, unfair and inappropriate Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).
This from the Governor who said he didn’t mind teachers teaching to the test as long as the test scores went up.
The truth is that Common Core SBAC Test is rigged to ensure that the majority of Connecticut students are deemed failures.
Furthermore, the outrageous and absurd Common Core Test is particularly unfair for children of color, children who aren’t fluent in the English Language and children who require special educations services.
Despite these facts, Malloy’s Commissioner of Education voted to set the pass/fail mark at a level that as many as 7 in 10 students will fail and the State Department of Education continues to instruct local superintendents to mislead parents into believing that they do not have the fundamental right to protect their children by opting them out of this dangerous testing scheme.
But of course, parents have the fundamental right to protect their children and there is absolutely no federal or state law, regulation or policy that allows the state or local school districts to punish children whose parents refuse to allow their children to be abused by this Common Core testing system.
In state’s across the nation, public teachers are stepping forward and risking their jobs to say enough is enough and that the massive and inappropriate Common Core Testing Teachers across America are fighting for their students – Where the hell are CT’s teacher unions - Wait What?: