Friday, February 20, 2015

L.A. teachers union declares impasse in contract talks - LA Times

L.A. teachers union declares impasse in contract talks - LA Times:

L.A. teachers union declares impasse in contract talks
L.A. teachers rally
More than 500 teachers and supporters rally in November at Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights to demand raises and changes to work rules and policies in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The union declared an impasse in contract negotiations on Wednesday. (Howard Blume)
The union representing Los Angeles teachers on Wednesday declared an impasse in protracted contract negotiations with the nation's second-largest school system.

Negotiators for the two sides remain far apart.

L.A. Unified has offered a 5% raise retroactive to July 1, 2014. United Teachers Los Angeles is seeking an 8.5% one-year increase.
Teachers have not had a pay raise or cost of living increase in eight years, and agreed to pay cuts through furlough days during the depths of the recent economic recession. Thousands of teachers also were laid off because of budget cuts and shrinking enrollment. Teachers have continued to receive pay boosts based on education credits and experience. 

Pay is not the only issue. The union also is calling for smaller class sizes and increased staffing, among other things.

"UTLA will not accept a piecemeal agreement that addresses only one or two issues, which fails to improve student learning conditions and educator working conditions," the union said in a statement.

The district counters that it has made fair counteroffers affecting teacher evaluations, class sizes and parent involvement.

If the Public Employment Relations Board officially affirms the deadlock in talks, a mediator will step in. If an agreement still cannot be reached, the teachers will be one step closer to calling a strike. 

"We will continue our aggressive organizing campaign through every stage of this process," the union statement said.

District officials said they welcomed mediation.

“I’ve been disappointed and frustrated by the lack of progress toward an agreement,” Supt. Ramon C. Cortines said in a statement. “It’s my hope that the appointment of a mediator will lead to an expeditious settlement that ultimately supports our students and the L.A. teachers union declares impasse in contract talks - LA Times: